

What could it be?

We help you convert early-stage thinking about Innovation opportunities into a clear proposition. Providing a combination of structure, creativity, challenge and independent thinking, we work with you to shape the ideas into their most compelling form.



Most conversations that we have about Ideation start with a business leader who has an idea that they believe could make a real difference, or who realises that there must be better ways of working. The idea(s) - at this stage - are not fully thought through.

Through workshops, we will explore the thinking, capturing initial responses to the core business questions, such as defining the problem being solved, understanding the friction of existing solutions, and assessing who might be target customers / users.

During the Ideation process, we develop a one page briefing of the solution, wireframes that capture the core concepts, and an infinite mind-map which captures all the discussed ideas. We also start to explore the change management challenge of the solution.

The outcome is that you end up with a clear proposition that acts as a 'stake in the ground' from which all subsequent discussions can be based.

  • A single description of the proposition that enables shared understanding
  • Top line themes for inclusion in a business case
  • Wireframes that capture the core ideas
  • The basis of how change management will be handled
  • Independent challenge, outside of your organisation structure
  • The opportunity for you to 'criticise not create'
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Our Approach


The typical Ideation engagement will require 4 1/2 day workshops. These can be delivered virtually.

If there is a specific need (such as a key presentation), this can be done in 1 week duration, however we recommend that there is a pause between workshops, to allow the ideas to consolidate and to enable a fresh perspective at each session.


During the Ideation phase we will iteratively work on a set deliverables:

Business Tweet Deck

A set of answers to the key business questions that underly the proposition. These are captured in a Tweet format that forces short answers, and allows for simple audit trail of changes and updates made during the process. These are updated after each workshop allowing for the ideas be refined.

Innovation Wireframe

A wireframe is a sketch that indicates the key functionality and structure of the solution. Its purpose is to concentrate discussion on the problem being solved, and to demonstrate how the solution will work. This approach avoids introducing the complexity of design discussions too early in the process.

Infinite mind-map

The infinite mind map allows us to capture all the discussed ideas in a single location. This acts as a useful reference point as the innovation develops. Key ideas introduced at each workshop are included onto the mind-map.


The purpose of the Ideation phase is to generate a clear description of the proposed innovation. This is delivered through:

Proposition brief

A one-page description of the problem being solved, the key segments / stakeholders, the solution outline and change considerations.

Proposition presentation

A short presentation of the proposition, including the wireframes of the solution linked through to give a walk-through.


Make better innovation investments

By moving an idea to the next innovation stage with a clear business outline, you will be able to make a more informed decision on whether to proceed with the innovation, before significant investment is made.

Get realistic project costs, earlier in the process

A wireframe provides any team or supplier very useful information for scoping / pricing the development of a solution. Whether you proceed with us, or with a 3rd party, the wireframe and business tweet deck will enable you to have an easier briefing process, and more accurate costings for the next stage.

Get buy-in and support

Armed with the Proposition brief and presentation, you will be in a strong position to get buy-in from stakeholders / investors.

Interested in how we can help?

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