

Leverage digital opportunities to innovate your business

We help you identify, develop and implement innovative products and services. With a focus on digitally enabled innovation, we enable clients to jump the 12 innovation hurdles that most often lead to failed projects. we work with minimum viable teams, cut out typical 'lost in translation' issues and pro-actively work to bring your product to life.


Our approach depends on the client situation:

  • Innovation Projects: We apply our Product Innovation Model to projects to rapidly identify, develop, test and refine innovative projects.
  • App Development: For projects with a specific requirement to develop apps cost effectively, we use our App Development Process.

Innovation Projects

Our Product Innovation Model provides a comprehensive framework to develop and deliver innovation projects. Developed from over 10 years experience of innovation delivery, it helps client avoid traditional innovation project pitfalls.

Client engagements may be focused on a specific segment of the innovation model (for example Ideation, Investment or Development) or may follow the full model. If you click on any of the segments, we outline indicative project activity.

At the heart of the model is 'Change Management'. This recognises the significant challenge of introducing innovation to most organisations and reflects our mantra 'It's not about getting it built, it's about getting it used'. To which end, the human and behavioural implications of all projects are considered from day 1.

Our approach to the model is to follow repeated cycles around all the segments from the start of the project. As we progress, test and get feedback we then revise the thinking and update the plan. This approach contrasts with more 'sequential' approaches to innovation delivery and signficantly reduces innovation risk.

App Development

Where the case for innovation is understood, and the focus is on building out the application, we follow our App Development process.

This provides a simplified process to create a static prototype and a Minimum Viable Proposition (MVP) that reflects your requirements.

Apps are developed following an agile methodology and are built on the Microsoft software stack.

For more detail of our App Development process, click here.

Explore innovation opportunities


Typical outputs from Product Optimisation engagements include the following:

  • Innovation brief
  • Wireframes and clickable prototype
  • Full developed MVP
  • User testing and feedback
  • Business case and financial model
  • Go to market plan and supporting content


The benefits that we generate from a Product Optimisation engagement include:

Cost effective approach

Our focused delivery model, based on minimum viable teams, supported by dedicated resource leads, and populated with experienced innovation specialists is highly cost effective. Early prototyping of projects, continued 'go-no go' reviews at each project stage, and cost transparency will provide you with commercial confidence.

Fast and proactive

We are passionate about avoiding 'handover-hell' and avoiding the delays and information loss that can occur in innovation projects. Our dedicated minimum viable team project structure and our proactive approach to solution design and development means that you will make more progress with less effort.

Team Engagement

We recognise that the engagement of the core team and wider change management are critical success factors to any innovation projects. We coach your team members through the journey, and work with you to make innovation projects an enabler of employee satisfaction across the business.



An initial cycle around the Product Innovation Model will require approximately 14 days effort, which includes:

  • A 1/2 day project briefing ('kick off') session
  • 2 days Ideation workshops
  • 1 day Storyboarding workshop
  • 1 day Customer / user testing
  • 1 day Financial modeling workshop
  • 1 day Go-to-market / Change management workshop
  • Regular 2 week review sessions
  • Development of wireframes
  • Development of static prototype
  • Assessment of user feedback
  • Outline innovation brief
  • Outline financial assessment

Indicative App Development costs are provided here.


The opportunities of creating sustainable elements to any solution are included, by default, in our Ideation workshops. This allows discussions to explore opportunities to reduce Scope 1,2 and influence scope 3 emissions as well as to find sustainable benefits from new ways of working.

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