
Change Management

How to make it happen?

One of the most common causes for failed innovation is too little change management thinking done too late. By definition, innovative projects require users, customers and stakeholders to solve a problem in a 'new' way which may challenge their existing beliefs, activities or influence. Effective innovation requires addressing these challenges well before implementation.

Change management is at the heart of successful innovation


Change Management is about understanding the perceived impact of innovation, and having a strategy to deal with challenges.

It requires engaging the right level of leadership, developing compelling ideas and messaging, and identifying stakeholders and influencers. It needs to have appropriate communications adapted during the development and implementation of the innovation, supported by training as appropriate. For internal / corporate innovation, it will also require understanding organisational design implications.

We work with you to assess the change management implications of the innovation. This may involve breaking down the innovation into components, and assessing the relative challenges and risks of each area. We then develop a plan that prioritises activity against risk / reward.

We pull on a range of innovative approaches to support change management - including digital workshops, video briefings, online idea generation, and social media campaigns.

  • Assessment of innovation from the 'people' perspective
  • Pragmatic approach to resolve challenges
  • Objective feedback on risks
  • Ability solutions to be ''designed for change management'
  • Avoids 'buy-in' being an after-thought
  • Leverage digital tools to enable change
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Our Approach


Change Management is carried out in conjunction with any of the 6 services that we deliver, and is a perspective that we bring to every assignment.

As challenges and opportunities are identified, we work with you to develop the approach and the Change management deliverables will be included in service delivery. Where complex Change Management is required, we will operate the Change Managment activity as a discrete module.


External audit

We will work with you to identify the Change management priorities that are driven by customers, users, the channel and other external stakeholders.

Internal audit

The internal audit will look to understand the internal challenges and opportunities - working across the organisation.

Change Management Outline

On the back of the audits, and on going conversation, we will develop an 'outline' plan that highlights and prioritises the key challenges and potential solutions. This is then discussed and iterated.


Change Management Plan

The plan is an agreed approach to Change Management, developed from the outline (see above).

Depending upon the situation, a number of deliverables will be created. These may include:

Innovation Change Workshops

Workshops targeted at different stakeholder groups within an organisation - that make the case for, get feedback about, and develop endorsement for the innovation

Communication campaigns

Internal or external campaigns, using social media as appropriate, that take customers, users and stakeholders along the change curve.

Video idea submission

Ability to get internal stakeholders to offer suggestions, provide feedback and engage with the innovation program.


Getting it used

Our fundamental approach is about building innovation that gets used.

By considering Change Management from day 1, we significantly reduce the risk of failed innovation.

Designed for change

We work with you to consider the Change Management behavioural implications of the innovation.

This allows functionality to be prioritised on the basis of its change impact, not just its solution impact.

Rich insight

The focus on change management pushes for deeper understanding of the key innovation stakeholders.

Beyond understanding the 'job to be done', it helps identify the underlying beliefs that can enable / de-rail innovation.

Interested in how we can help?

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