

Who, why and where?

We help you develop a strong understanding of the user, the segments and the problem(s) to be solved. We help you refine the business model and identify how digital models can be applied to create low-friction solutions. In short, we work with you to generate data points that underpin the key decisions for the innovation project.



Validate engagements will vary significantly according to the client, and the current stage of their innovation project.

Early stage innovations may require focus on customer analysis and segmentation. More mature innovations may include market sizing and competitive analysis.

Investigations may include deep-dive interviews, audits, surveys and focus groups. We will develop and test ideas (hypotheses) and consolidate the feedback with data points that help the innovation team understand opportunities.

Where the insight is required around internal considerations, we are able to assess organisational, financial and operational processes, to provide an objective perspective on what's required both for the solution and in terms of change management.

  • Deeper understanding of the customer
  • Data points that demonstrate key ideas
  • Objective customer / business analysis
  • Fresh thinking from outside an organisations 'echo chamber'
  • Independent feedback
  • The opportunity for you validate core assumptions
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Our Approach


Validate engagements will typically require 2-6 workshops, depending on the situation. Some of these may be delivered virtually.

In between the workshops, the data capture, analysis, consolidation will take place.

We will define the timescales on a project by project basis.


Internal workshops

A report that provides recommendations, with supporting data points and analysis.

Customer interviews

Depth interviews with existing / potential customers, stakeholders, and other users.


A combination of primary and secondary research with a focus on developing pragmatic reports.


Customer offers

A report that consolidates the voice of the customer, highlighting segment definitions and the offers (needs, wants and requirements) for each.

Market potential assessment

A market study that provides market sizing, competitive positioning, and key trends.

Organisation audit

A report that highlights internal opportunities and challenges for the project.


Improved innovation decision making

With the feedback from an analysis engagement, you will be able to make better decisions on future investment in the innovation.

Improved product market fit

Data points that will help you drive product market fit - knowing where to focus, and what to avoid doing.

Stakeholder engagement

The Validation feedback will validate key decisions, and provide richer rationale on the innovation strategy.

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