
App Development

Explore, See, Build:

We help you manage commercial risk by splitting up Digital | Delivery into 3 sequential services. This enables you to evaluate progress and keep control of your budget.

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Understand and capture the what, who, why and how
  • Through workshops and one to one discussion, we explore and capture the central idea. This builds a solid foundation for the following phases.
  • With an understanding of the opportunity, we explain the development process, and look at prioritisation, resourcing and timescales.
  • At the end of this, you get a proposal that includes:
    • A project brief
    • The storyboard highlighting key functionality required
    • Wireframe and sitemap
    • Expected costs
    • A provisional project plan and timeline
Explore innovation opportunities
From £1,000 + VAT
Develop the static prototype to validate ideas, test and engage
  • The static prototype gives you an initial version of selected areas of the solution. This looks and feels like a working product, which makes it easier for users and stakeholders to understand the direction of travel.
  • Visualisation of the end-product at an early stage provides you maximum flexibility of scope, functionality and flows. It allows for significant changes to the solution to be made at low cost, de-risking the subsequent delivery phase.
  • At the end of this, you get a updated proposal that includes:
    • Revisions to the project brief
    • Updates to the storyboard and sitemap
    • Expected costs
    • An updated project plan and timeline
Leverage a clickable prototype
From £5,000 + VAT
Create the fully functioning solution
  • At the start, we design the architecture and data-model for the solution - taking into account the requirments outlined in the brief generated in the previous phase of work.
  • We then build out the solution in a series of 2 week sprints, interspersed with a weekly check-in. At the end of each sprint, we review progress and confirm priorities for the next stage. Testing is carried out during each sprint.
  • At the end of this, you get:
    • Design documentation
    • Fully operational solution
    • Backoffice functionality
Effective Development of digital solution
From £15,000 + VAT

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